Headless TEF Tuner

We're excited to announce a new project from our community: a small FM tuner based on the NXP TEF668x chip and STM32 with a custom board. This tuner can be controlled remotely from your computer, features two antenna connectors, and transmits audio through a single USB cable.

Best of all, it's fully compatible with XDR-GTK and FM-DX Webserver.

Original TEF Board Design

We are bringing you a comprehensive spec sheet, so you can learn more.

Board size 80x40 mm (3.15 x 1.07 inches)
Audio I2S + optional 3.5mm audio hat
Dynamic range ~100dB
Firmware FM-DX Tuner by Konrad

Build one yourself!

If you are looking to build one tuner yourself, you can find all the needed files on GitHub

This project was created by / OpenRadio

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