Our mission

Our community firmly believes in the freedom of DXing, ensuring that it remains accessible to all enthusiasts. We're committed to work on an inclusive environment where everyone can participate and contribute to the advancement of DXing technologies.

How are we achieving this?

In recent years, we have undertaken numerous successful projects, including the development of multiple receivers and their respective firmware. Additionally, we have created various tools now utilized by users around the globe.

To explore these projects further, visit the Projects tab in the navigation bar.

We dedicate our free time to these endeavors, driven by the belief that everyone should have access to the projects we develop. Thus, all our creations are open-source.

How are we funding our projects?

You might be curious about how we finance and its projects.
Primarily, we fund these projects with our own resources while keeping expenses as low as possible. However, we thrive thanks to your generous donations. For more detailed information on how these funds are utilized, please click here.